3 June 2009

The Euro Elections…Predictions…

Firstly, I think I need to say that we will see that the turnout for elections in general will be far higher than what we were thinking some weeks ago.  I believe that we will see in the UK, turnout will be about 43%, though as I said earlier this could be even higher, possibly nudging 50%.  I expect turnout will be highest down here in the South-East, where I can see Labour being blown away completely – thus getting no seats at all down here.  That would cause meltdown in its own right…

As for the national vote, I think the big story won’t just be how low Labour’s vote goes to, but the rise of those parties on the Right (UKIP) and Left (Green), and the sad realisation of Labour’s disaffected working class voters possibly going to the B*P – as a direct consequence of the percieved pandering by Labour towards minorities and one in particular – the big elephant in the room, being ignored by the mainstream parties is, I fear about to make its presence known.  I suspect they could get a seat in the North Of England.  I hope I am wrong.

Here is my prediction of the National Share of the vote…

LAB: 15%    CONS: 27%    LIBS: 17%    UKIP: 16%    GREENS: 13%    B*P 5%    OTHERS: 8%

Though again, I would not be at all surprised if Labour ended up fourth nationally, which would be as bad as it could get for Chairman Brown…

Whatever happens tomorrow and over the weekend, he will be doing very well if he is still Prime Minister by this time next week, and if he is still there by then, then I would expect him to be there by time a General Election comes round…and you think these elections are going to be bad…


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