25 June 2008

Gordon Must Go - For the sake of the Left.

I've come to my conclusions, even though I have been thinking it for
the last few months, particularly since the local elections in May and
furthermore since the whole 42 day debacle.

Gordon Brown must relinquish the Labour Leadership.

It's words that a year ago I feared I would have to write. He was a
excellent chancellor, let me put that on record. However, sorting out
the nations finances is one thing - running the country as a whole
entity is another thing altogether. The worrying thought is that I
struggle to think of anyone with the political clout and the support
in the country who could make a difference to Labour's fortunes right

People suggest David Milliband as a potential leader. That might go
down well in Westminister, but there is something not right about
him. Too much of a Blairite for my liking. Too right-wing for me, or
I suspect for the grass-roots. Might be a idea to leave that option
till after the inevitable whitewash of electoral defeat in 2010 or
before if we're lucky.

That's the thing. If we were to elect a new leader before then, we
are then in a position where we would have to go to the electorate
otherwise we would look no better than a banana regime.

Perhaps getting rid of Gordon is the best thing we could do.

If we as a movement want to move on, we need to get the general
election done with as soon as possible.

Then we can start rebuilding, even if that means in opposition.

Rob :)

24 June 2008

Haven't We Seen This Before

Say, with Mr Mugabe, continuing his purge of democraticaly elected politicians in Zimbabwe - I do have to wonder where he gets all his ideas from...

Ah, I see...
So going along with that, we should come to....

Oh, fuck.

Now that's fucking scary, but he doesn't look out of place there, the fucking fascist cunt.

Perhaps we should give the cunt a taste of his own medicine...

Ideas will be welcome.

Place Your Bets...

Just seen something on Guido, apparently Betfair are offering odds of 9/1 on Chairman Brown leaving office before the end of the year.

Reasonable odds that, considering that he could be gone before then if Nu Labour's fortunes don't change any time soon.

With the unions threatening a summer of discontent as well as Labour on the brink of 
bankruptcy. There is the thought that the unions could hold the cards of Labour's short term future.  The thoughts of many indicate that the unions want Alan Johnson to take over - a former union official.  Whereas Blairites and Labour's millionaire backers want David Milliband.

If Chairman Brown goes then, whoever comes in would have to get a mandate from the country. It was common knowledge when Bliar went to the electorate in 2005 that Chairman Brown was waiting in the wings to take over office.

There was nothing there for people to presume that within a year of being elected that Chairman Brown would be such a liability that his commissars would be lining up to give the Coup D'Grace to their leader.

What goes around, comes around.

Rob :)

Strike One...

The aforementioned Summer Of Discontent seems to be upon us after Unison Council Workers voted to go on strike to get a better wage.  

They have been offered a below inflation rise of 2.45%, but they are demanding 6%.

In recent weeks, Shell tanker drivers have been given a pay rise amounting to 14% after negotiation, following a four-day stoppage which bought parts of the country to a near standstill. We have seen the unfair bonanza of shareholders and city bosses getting ridiculous bonuses and dividends, yet the first sign of the workers rising up and demanding a better living wage and these same bosses are falling over themselves to criticise them.

The Chancellor has asked that everyone from 'the boardroom to the shopfloor' to take payrises consistent with the government's 2% inflation target.  Fat Chance!

Asking the low-paid and average earners in the public or private sector to make sacrifices when the people who have caused the economic difficulties in the first place and yet continue to draw record bonuses breaches any test of fairness.

I'm on just under £15k, the average wage is £22,000pa. Only 2% of the working population is on anything over £200,000pa. Yet it is this small group of people who are making the economic decisions which are causing hardship for the majority through their speculating and sheer risk-taking on stocks and shares and yet they are the people who are gaining at everyone else's expense - literally.

I back the strikers.  There is no excuse for the lowest-paid in this country to go without a decent payrise because of the selfishness of a few yuppie cunts who are the children of Thatcher.  And surely that is a good reason, never to vote for the dirty Tories.

We need to adopt the socialist model, where those who can pay tax can, and those who cannot, won't.  The argument for those on the minimum wage, not to pay tax should be taken to the people.  Anyone who went to the country on these principles, would have a good chance of getting into power, because the party of the workers, the vulnerable and the persecuted is not working with our interests at the forefront of their policies.

Rob :)

16 June 2008

Police Protection....

....but only if you are a war criminal...

15 June 2008

So Much For Opinion Polls…

A poll was released this morning, which could show that the tide is turning in regards of public support of 42 days.

It comes from The Mail On Sunday, done in conjunction with pollsters ICM.

These are results from the first polls carried out in David Davis' constituency of Haltemprice and Howden in the aftermath of the former Shadow Home Secretary's decision to resign his post from the Tory cabinet. Obviously no surprise that Davis' would win any such election today, but the differential between the 2005 election result in that constituency and now is pretty startling. A lead of some 33 points, compared to just 11 in 2005, should make people think.

Furthermore it shows that the MP would beat, the Scum's 'pro-42 candidate' known as the Vermin by over 53 points – 67% to 14%.

Worryingly for Chairman Brown, it shows that Davis' assertion that people are concerned and worried, about Nu Labour's obsession with destroying our civil liberties is correct. In the same poll 59% agreed that Britain has become a nation of snoopers – and there's the government said that they had public opinion on their side.

Meanwhile, the Vermin is supposed to be having second thoughts over standing for the pro-42 lobby, after his handler, Rupert Murdoch reportedly disowned his campaign following disparaging comments from the Vermin, regarding the nearby city of Hull.

Not the first time, was it that the Vermin, had generalized a city in one word, now isn't it.

To further add to Chairman Brown's woes, rebel MP Bob Marshall-Andrews, who I have a lot of time for, has publically announced that he intends to support Davis' in any forthcoming by-election, and indicated that other Labour MPs agree with the stance taken by Davis, indeed it is reported that Ian Gibson, another principled and respected MP has indicated support.

And there's Chairman Brown saying that it was only the Tories who were divided.


There has also been a number of writers and analysts who are beginning to come out of the woodwork in support of Davis' campaign. I have to say some of the best come from Henry Porter, in the Guardian. For those who are not in the know. Porter has fought a celebrated campaign, in the Guardian's sister paper, the Observer, for the past two years and
he explains, why he supports Davis' fight.

Furthermore in the Mail On Sunday, the leader of Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti explains
why she is supporting Davis on this, amid reports that she is to organize a 'Celebrities for Davis' grouping, as well as going on the campaign trail with him.

Brown's worst possible nightmare is beginning to unfold. The unholy alliance of Libertarian Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Ultra-Left Wing Radicals such as myself and groups such as WSWS are against this on principle.

The next few weeks will decide how this country is governed for years to come. We have to rise to the fight that is coming.


13 June 2008

And In Other News…

The people of Ireland have given the European Union, its answer to the abomination that is the Lisbon Treaty.

Back to the drawing board, I think, Gordon…

The Vermin Known As MacKenzie…

Seems like Chairman Brown is not going to allowing a Labour candidate stand in the by-election following David Davies' resignation as a MP – so the Columnist known as the Vermin is reported to considering standing on the understanding that his boss, Rupert Murdoch is to bankroll his campaign.

An Australian financing a potential election bid, haven't we been here before?

The sheer thought of that bastard even considering this, has got people's lips licking with anticipation, with groups of differing persuasions, considering actions against the Vermin during any potential campaign.

This just gets more and more intriguing by the hour…

12 June 2008

….One Thing Comes Out Of A Dark Day

After yesterday's disgraceful vote, where Chairman Brown bought his 42-day internment law by default, I was looking forward to Fleet Street's finest tearing pieces out of Brown.

That they did not disappoint.

Then, just before 1pm, the Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis announces that he is to quit as a MP, on principal of being completely against 42 days and the general way that Zanu-Lab was actively pursuing a campaign to dissolve people's liberties.

Now I have a problem, although minor in the greater cause. I have grown up in the notion that Tories in the main, are the scum of the earth, alongside with S*n journalists, Kelvin MacKenzie, and Jean Marie Le Pen.

However, I will have to admit that on this one case, and this one case alone, I have to applaud Mr Davis for his belief in what he is doing.

Of course, Zanu-Lab are already calling this a publicity stunt, with arch-Nu Labourite Denis MacShane, calling the resignation, an Italian Art Circus. No doubt, Robin Cook and Clare Short will appreciate those kind words, as both resigned on similar grounds over the illegal Iraq war.

This is going to run and run…….

So What Did They Get Out Of It?

There are now a range of stories coming out about bribes/threats/etc being used to get the 42 day vote through the first stage of making it law – ranging from DUP's members of parliament being assured of £200million to cap Water Rates.

So now the entire world knows the going rate for a "Democratic Unionist" MP. £22,222,222.2222 recurring of tax-payers money, or one ninth of £200 million, But it's a currency which will soon be devalued.

What other inducements are on the table for those willing to sign their souls away and vote for 42 days. Give it a year, and the cunts will be asking for 58 days. That is a guarantee. One question does need to be answered, and that is whether this was all illegal. If it isn't, then yesterday showed that it should be. MPs votes should not be bought for ministers and a government own interests, and shows the sort of twisted mind that Chairman Brown that he feels that he has no option to use such corrupted means to try and show how tough and honorable his position is.

In my opinion, Chairman Brown is signing the death warrants of many British citizens and soldiers. Internment, which is what this is in all but name will rapidly generate the number of terrorists operating in this country, as was shown in Northern Ireland. Surely, you would have thought that we had learnt our lesson.

Seems not.

Chairman Brown has stuck his head on the guillotine block on this, to try and get support from the editorship at the Scum, and on that side of it, it has worked, but at the same time has destroyed the very fabric of the Labour Party – now known as Zanu-Lab. The party of the working class - not of the corporate cunts who feed on resentment and hatred. Chairman Brown is guilty as are a lot of his ministers of trying to feed on people's fears and concerns, and whipping up this right-wing, xenophobic response, by certain sections of the media.

The astonishing attitude by MPs towards our civil liberties is beyond contempt. Capriciously, they decide that our liberty has a pecuniary value, which they determine. And what about those who are dare I say fortunate to be released without charge within 28 days?

This country's forebears sacrificed their lives, all in the name of Habeas Corpus and the rule of Law, and when compared with these know-nothing sheep, these ignorami, these blatantly, self-serving nonentities…..

Unfortunately, these are the people who have been elected by the people to serve the people…

What now for Chairman Brown? He's probably going to have to try and get more money to pay for these presents for those MPs, (bigots in the case of the DUP) and that won't come cheap. Some people have suggested that yesterday's vote might eventually cost him up to £1billion, and we probably all know what that could mean.

Chairman Brown and his apparatchiks might have won this vote, but they have lost their powerbase for good, with no possibility of a reprieve.

9 June 2008

A Message For Our Gaelic Comrades...

A No Vote on Thursday from the Irish people will mean that Europe will belong to the many and not to the few.

No To The Lisbon Treaty.

6 June 2008

The Latest Cuts

Thought I'd select some tracks for you to get over the next few weeks, first up, is this from Herve, called Cheap Thrills, note the sample!

Next on my list is this long-awaited track from Pryda, called Pjanoo. Wicked track, this.

Finally, this updated version of Laurent Garnier's anthem, The Man With The Red Face. Mark Knight and Funkagenda have redone this awesome and organic track and makes this as timeless as the original

Hed Kandi is in town tomorrow night for an all-nighter, I'm there and will probably be at the pre-party, at the Bank Bar.

Whatever you do this weekend, have a fucking good one!

Rob :)

5 June 2008

Time To Get Tough On Mugabe The Cunt

British and American diplomats based in Harare, have just been released, after an unprecedented attack by what seems to be some Robert Mugabe's War Veterans, not to be confused with Hitler's SS.

According to the US Ambassador in Harare, James McGee, said in an interview on CNN: "Police put up a roadblock, stopped the vehicles, slashed the tyres, reached in and grabbed telephones from my personnel, and the war veterans threatened to burn the vehicles with my people inside unless they got out and accompanied police to a station nearby."

It seems almost certain that this is coming from the top, and Zimbabwe is in effect being run by a Military Junta, with Mugabe leading the fascists, using the leaders of the armed forces as his henchmen.

The people of the free world need to make it clear to the Zimbabwean ambassadors in whatever part of the world they are in, that free and fair elections are non-negotiable, and if they are fixed, then direct action must be taken against them and their embassies.

It is that Simple.

The Poles and The Liberal Elite's Hypocrisy

Something that you would have seen on the BBC last night, if you
watched Newsnight, was a thought-provoking piece regarding the
criticism of thousands of Polish workers coming into Britain to do the
jobs that the Indigenous populous won't dare touch with a bargepole.

Immigrants coming into Britain, to do the jobs that we won't do.
Shouldn't be a fuss about that, surely?


The Conservative MP, Daniel Kawczynski has said that liberal
commentators have gone out of their way to question the reasons so
many Poles have come over in such numbers, in a way that those same
commentators, quite rightly did not criticise migrants from the Former
Yugoslavia moving to the UK in the late 1990s.

Furthermore, the MP has stated that such criticism has provoked
assaults on innocent Polish workers.

Opinion Polls have stated that whilst immigration remains high on
people's concerns, the nature of the debate had changed, as more and
more nations from the former Iron Curtain joined the European Union,
so freedom of movement has become easier for them.

It was my MP, the former Conservative Leader Michael Howard who said
in 2005, "It's not racist to talk about immigration," and it was
argued that those undecided voters, were put off, as they felt uneasy
of the language being used, as should all of us.

The Liberal Elite are acting no better than the knuckleheads who
support the B*P in the way that they have tried to marginalise Poles.
The BBC's Home Editor Mark Easton argued, that the communities where
the Poles have moved to have some of the worse race relations in the

Yet, you don't see this same vitriolic bullshit being thrown at
certain other communities. Race relations must be pretty bad up
north, Manningham and Keighley come to mind...

The media of all persuasions have got a legal as well as moral
obligation to treat everyone the same, and not victimise immigrants or
anyone for their own twisted agendas.

Rob :)

The Way That We Are Going...

I am wondering what is going on with the world right now. We have several unprecedented situations that are arising and continue to develop. The biggest of all, certainly is the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Nominee for the upcoming U.S Elections, thus becoming the first African-American to be nominated to run for one of the so-called big two parties. The question was asked on Five Live this morning; whether we would be in a situation when we could potentially see a Prime Minister in this country. I think if you asked me that question a few years ago, I think I would have said probably within five to ten years, there would be the potential for someone from that demographic to come through and get the big job.

Back then, I would have been thinking of someone like Trevor Phillips or Paul Boateng. Although Boateng has fallen somewhat off the political radar as of late, I would like to think that Sir Trevor would like to have a go at the top job, considering he has been doing a fine job at the Commission for Racial Equality, since taking up the position a few years back.

The question was then put on the radio, whether colour, no longer mattered when it came to moving up the career ladder. Surely, we have gone beyond that. Indeed, we still have some retards in the country who still think that it's OK to have those Alf Garnett thoughts, yet we should be taking on those Neanderthal slugs who continue to have those views, and particularly those who believe that voting B*P will make their area a better place to live. I have always been one, who believes and still does that the only language fascists and Nazis know of, is the language of the fist. People cannot be naïve anymore, when it comes to this pack of wolves. They pick on vulnerable areas, where depravation is rife and disaffection with the incumbent government is there for all to see.

I read a piece on a well-known website recently, that if the city of Stoke-On-Trent decided to keep its elected mayor, then there was the very real likelihood, that a B*P mayoral candidate, may just get into City Hall, in deepest Staffordshire. Not so many years ago, the City Council up there was jam-full of Labour Councilors – all 60 of them.

In the last 10 years, they have lost ¾ of those. Nine of them have gone to the odious and repulsive B*P.

That should scare the establishment, into trying their fucking hardest to reconnect with the voters, not just of Stoke-On-Trent, but with other areas where the B*P are gaining, and gaining frightfully quickly. Could you ever see a city such as St Paul, Minnesota, where Obama spoke last night and has also got a similar population to Stoke-On-Trent, ever voting in a member of the KKK as mayor?

No, me neither.

These are scary times, for the people of this country. There is no hiding away from that fact, sad as that is to say.

But there is no excuse at all to vote for the filth, who would like to set us back fifty years.

No, fucking way.

4 June 2008

Mugabe Tries To Silence The Opposition – AGAIN…

It has been reported that the leader of the MDC – Zimbabwe's opposition movement, has just been released, after being in 'custody' for the past 12 hours or so.

This follows the detention of the leader of a breakaway faction of the MDC, this past weekend.

Over 60 opposition activists have been murdered since the original elections, which the MDC were robbed of.

Millions are starving and being starved for political purposes, the army have told its troops to vote the fascist cunt, or else – and all this whilst the zealot is being wined and dined by World leaders in Rome.

So much for free and fair elections…

There needs to be action taken in this country and around the world against the Zimbabwean regime, and if necessary, the zealots of ZANU-PF must be hounded out, because right now, the world's leaders seem to be sitting by, twiddling their thumbs, whilst the former bread-basket of Southern Africa burns.

Get The Nazi Cunt Out.

UPDATE: It has been confirmed that he has been released, but his armoured vehicle has been taken from him by the 'authorities'.  According to the MDC, this means that he has no security vehicle to take him from place to place. 

I presume that Mugabe is going to similarly treated....

Thought not, cunts.

Brown Is A Busted Flush....


I couldn't help but delve into Prime Minister's Questions, earlier
today - and listen to a very tired and jaded Chairman Brown answering
MP's questions.

It is evident that the Prime Minister has been affected by the past
month's events, and it cannot be a surprise that senior Labour party
activists are looking into other ways to stop the rot.

But right now it has to be said that they are not helping themselves
at all, with fishermen, supported by their counterparts from France
and Belgium , being the latest to demonstrate their unhappiness at the
lack of government support. I think the presence of their European
comrades should serve the government with a dire warning. With the
deadline from Welsh hauliers demanding action from ministers,
regarding lower fuel tax, now passed, it is clear that the government
is only listening to their quangoes and no fucker else.

Rob :)

Democrats Make The Right Choice


And if you've haven't heard, the Democrats have made the right decision and elected Barack Obama to be their candidate, (and for the record, the World's candidate) to take on John McCain to get the keys to the White House.

Vote Obama!

3 June 2008

Hillary For VP? – Is Barack Bonkers?

Reports from the U.S indicate that the above certainly could be the case, with high-ranking advisers to Illinois Sen. Barack Obama being more and more convinced the last day of the six-month run-after for the Democratic nomination will create just an adequate quantity of delegates for Obama to overcome his inexhaustible opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Obama officials anticipate being a focus for endorsements from more than a dozen super delegates as soon as the Montana and South Dakota polls close up and, as such, will either be just beneath or just above the threshold of 2,118 delegates. Several House members have withheld their endorsement for Obama pending the end of the primaries. A handful of senators who have been leaning in the direction of Obama may also make known their support after the polls close in what may be a harmonized burst of super delegate support just before Obama's Tuesday speech in St Pauls, Minnesota.

That is where Obama is planning a victory speech that will make the general election argument for change but also generous praise on Clinton's campaign as Obama seeks to defuse any possible friction with the New York senator.

About Fucking Time, Too!

2 June 2008

You Just Can't Accept That

I see that Chairman Brown is urging his probes to support interning
suspects for up to 42 days - citing national security.

Yet we have these terrorists recruiting mentally-ill patients, as was
seen in the recent botched bombing of a restrauant in that hotbed of
militancy, Exeter.

Surely if anything, the attack showed that regardless of what measures
you take to combat terrorism, there will always be someone be wanting
to commit some atrocity.

On top of that, we have the spectre of amongst others, the former
Attorney General Lord Goldsmith, and the Council of Europe's human
rights commissioner, Thomas Hammarberg, so it is reported. Still
Chairman Brown rides roughshod over what these respected men of their
respective fields, and instead pander to the politics of fear as
espoused by the right-wing press.

There does seem to have been a lot of this recently, the by-election
in Crewe and Nantwich had in its last days, tarnished by the Labour
machine after they accused the Tory candidate of not supporting ID
cards for foreign workers - when in fact the majority of people don't
support such draconian measures.

What we are seeing right now is that this unelected Prime Minister is
out of touch and the Labour leadership need to show their socialist
instincts, instead of being washed in the putrid smell of the fascist
shite that Chairman Brown is sprewing at.

Rob :)

1 June 2008

The Problem With Gordon…

Gordon Brown has a problem. In fact he has several problems. Delete that. He has several massive headaches that he needs to deal with, very quickly.

The Prime Minister has allowed all of these problems to build up over time, for no reason at all.

If we look at the immediate problem to hand at this time, for Mr. Brown and his Chancellor, they have until the end of play, Tuesday to work out how they are going to appease the hauliers who have been involved in go-slows up and down the country, this past week. With blockades going up in Spain, Portugal, Italy and especially France, Mr. Brown has to be decisive in what he does. The government needs to avoid a repetition of the protests in Europe as in the above countries, new governments have just been recently elected, or in the case of Prime Minister Zapatero, in Spain, re-elected, whereas, Chairman Brown, had been anointed by the Labour Leadership, without going to the country.

The Labour government also has to realize that the hauliers would not just have the support of the majority of the electorate (including myself), they could potentially have the support of some organizations who you wouldn't associate with such a protest.

Being on, some of the left-wing websites, there is an undercurrent of resentment towards the government, in the way that they have continued to cosy up to the oil companies, who are making record amounts of profits as a direct result of oil prices going through the roof. Of course, one way to see a fall in oil prices would be the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and withdraw all British troops from there immediately.

The Iraq war, as anyone with a brain realizes was an imperialist adventure, and the original strategic plan was to see oil prices back down to as little as $10 a barrel, which was a pipedream.

Instead, the defeat which has occurred has caused nothing but, increase tensions in the Middle East, the Gulf and Central Asia, if it needed any further help. That has caused the inevitable spike in oil prices, which are causing these unprecedented profits for Halliburton, Exxon and BP. That in turn has prepared the way for the US subprime mortgage meltdown, and the financial crisis that is being played out in front of our eyes as we speak.

That Brown won't take any action against the oil speculators. These are the cunts who acquire oil stocks, years in advance and in turn assist in driving up the oil prices.

Therefore, the working class is stuck with bankrupt and out-dated policies, and a corrupt and capitalist system that will mean rapidly increasing inflation, which will inevitably cause the cutting of earnings savagely as well as high interest rates that will means millions of jobs lost, and the resulting bankruptcy of many small businesses, while the threat of homelessness will hang over millions of homeowners powerless to service their ludicrously enormous mortgages.

Mr. Brown has a big decision to make this week. If he makes the wrong decision, it could take Labour out of power for a generation. The trade unions need to make their voices heard, and speak for their workers and not for their self-interest, as they have done in the past.

A lot of people have got an awful lot to lose…