31 July 2008
So have had to rush around getting ready has pissed me off no end.
Anyway gotta go,
Catch up tomorrow, if I can be bothered....
Rob :(
Posted with LifeCast
Considering My Options...
We have been told that we will more likely than not be moving into a new office block that the company has bought within six weeks. That is all fine, however my workload is to increase yet there does not seem to me much change of a payrise to come from this extra work, which frankly has pissed me off, no end.
I had agreed to such work being passed onto me on the proviso that I would be paid accordingly. None of this seems likely to happen anytime soon.
The option of leaving for pastures new does feel like it needs to be considered and seriously. Such decisions cannot be taken lightly, as I have already decided in my own mind that if such a scenario was to happen, then I would leave Folkestone completely. Once you've worked I am working now, there is no other company who can offer the sort of lifestyle that I have become accustomed to in the last years.
London seems like the obvious option, withbthe high speed link coming down in the next year or so. The attractions of working in the capital are obvious, more money naturally, which could mean the likelihood of perhaps getting my own place which is a absolute pipedream right now.
Anyway these things will no doubt continue to cause concern for me in the coming days and weeks, I just have to hope that it all gets sorted to a conclusion that satisfies me....
Rob :)
Posted with LifeCast
29 July 2008
28 July 2008
Robbie Keane Signs For LFC!!!
Now to make sure we don't get that overrated test Barry.....
David Silva.......that's better!!!!!
Night Night!!!
Posted with LifeCast
The Point Of It
Well after a weekend of lounging around doing sweet fuck all, apart from the gum for about a hour or so, I trooped to the gym, arriving there just after 7am, with the usual hardy souls already going through their paces. The majority of them are pensioners doing their daily routine.
And there comes the point. Because it is routine, they don't see it as a chore like I do right now. Why is it that more and more youngsters are getting obese, it is because they see exercise as much a chore as tidying their bedroom up or washing the dishes. Physical education is deemed less important nowadays than it once was. Perhaps that is a direct consequence of schools and governments needing better exam results.
Why is it that if you come from what is classed as the lowest 10% in the country, you are more likely to be obese than not? Surely it cannot be coincidental that those who are more likely to be obese and poorer in health terms, come from the areas which are ridden with crime, hence making it more likely that they are going to cooped up indoors with the Playstation.
So you'll be asking what is my excuse.
I went to a private school, where I was actively encouraged to play rugby (represented the town, that the school was), played football in the winter, played cricket in the summer, and went mountain biking at least once a month during the weekend. Of course it helped being on the Isle of Wight, where crime is next to non-existent, where you felt safe and secure.
The weight piled for a number of reasons, some I wish not to discuss for personal reasons. Depression played a active part. I had been on Prozac on and off, for my last year at school and that continued after I left school and particularly after my parents split up for again reasons which I won't get into, although back then they said it was for financial reasons...
Depression and the tablets that the quacks give you for it does some shitty things with your body, one of which is, like dope it makes you hungry and that is what happened in my case.
I do wonder what would have happened if none of the above had happened to me, and thinking about it makes me more determined to get back to my normal, healthy weight before too long.
It's been too long...
Posted with LifeCast
27 July 2008
That Advise Again......
It's really not worth it......
Posted with LifeCast
A Spot Of Advise...
Bit of advise, it's a nightmare. I'm in a position where although I can use my touch, I can't sync anything onto iTunes which I think you'd agree is a bit essential, however I'm able to charge my battery whilst online...
What a fucking joke...
Posted with LifeCast
26 July 2008
Weighty Issues...
As of now, I weigh 15st and 2lbs, my love handles can go in my jeans, without there being any baggage and I feel pretty good.
It has been hard, and there is a long, long way to go, but so far it has been worth it.
I want to lose a further 30lbs between now and the start of December, so in old money that is 2st and 2lbs.
So that works out at about 2lbs a week. Doable me thinks...
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In The Brown Stuff
Oh fuck it does. When shit pours down on you, fuck it pours!
The 'Earthquake In Scotland' that the SNP predicted duly happened and although it has not made Chairman Brown fall onto his sword as of yet, it surely does make the end that bit more inevitable than it was not even 48 hours ago.
Brown has to make a calculated decision which will affect and change the UK, in whatever form the Union exists in the next few years. If Brown was to go at the Labour Party Conference in the autumn, then that gives any potential leader, about 18 months to resurrect the party's fortunes and avoid the sort of cataclysmic landslide that befallen the Tories in 1997. That could happen to be the only chance left in the locker.
That is to presume that any leader wouldn't go to the country after any leadership contest.
Someone like Jack Straw probably would, whilst the chief Femi-Nazi Harriet Harman, would probably think 'screw the country' and in due course make Left-Wing politics in this country go back by the best part of 30 years. It took the best part of 20 years to convince the electorate that where we as Left-Liberals was the best course for the country.
It would take that long as least to get the people back onside, and at a time when minorities are bring persecuted in Europe at the hands of the right-wing zealots, such as Berlusconi and Sarkozy, a lurch to the Right would be the wrong path to take.
The Labour Party has a big call to make. To allow Brown to cling onto power until 2010 is signal a unprecendented wipeout of Labour MPs in their Heartlands, and I don't believe the Tories and SNP would be the only beneficiaries of such a collapse.
If they were to elect someone from the Labour Left, then any such election would see Labour keep their rock-solid territory. Yes, I admit, they would lose and lose badly. But they would keep their strongholds in the North-East of England, Merseyside and Central Scotland, as well parts of Yorkshire and South Wales.
Keeping the status quo does not guarantee any of the above. It can get much, much worse, if Brown is still in charge come 2010.
Posted with LifeCast
Let's Test This Out....
I'm typing this blog on LifeCast, which you can use on the Ipod Touch, as a result of the new 2.0 firmware introduced by Apple, in the past few weeks.
Anyway, I do intend to do a more detailed blog either later today or tomorrow, discussing amongst other things, the state of two great institutions - The Labour Party and Liverpool FC as well as the latest on my attempt to get slim...all over again!
Rob :)
Posted with LifeCast
17 July 2008
To Be Listened...
14 July 2008
Decisions, Decisions
This week is going to be a difficult one for me, following my meeting
with my boss last Thursday.
It has been made clear to me, in not so clear terms that I need to
start thinking about the future away from my current job role.
That seems easier said than done. The thought of starting another
position without feeling that I have completed what I wanted to get
out of the current job, isn't something I want to discover.
Obviously, I want to move on, but not without utilizing all my skills,
and most importantly I just know the next job I have is going to be
the one that makes or breaks me.
Rob :)
8 July 2008
The Hypocrisy Of Politicians
Yesterday morning, I woke up to Chairman Brown lecturing us Proles to
conserve the food we buy, and not to waste it.
This at the same time as the leaders of the G8, settled down for a
dinner of Champagne and Caviar.
Great, if you can have it.
What about the millions who are starving?
Rob :)