4 July 2009

A Self Indulgent Rant


As I write it seems that the long-sought peace between Mother and my sister has been somewhat broken for some unknown reason or another - whatever it is, it is probably something pathetically petty and insignificant compared to the horrors and injustices that continue in the world that we live in at the moment, not that they care much about world hunger, or for that matter world peace. Keeping the peace between those two for a period of time is as trying as keeping both Israel and Palestine happy at the same time.

Not easy.

The government in recent days has announced that they are entering the second stage of dealing with the Swine Flu pandemic. Yes it is that now, even though the WHO has not confirmed that it is such that. The British authrorities think that it is important to try and allow it to take it's course. Which will mean many other people will more than likely die because of this method. Instead of concentrating on the hot spots where the outbreak began to show it's hand in Glasgow and the West Midlands, they are now adopting the tried and inevitably failed idea of vaciennating only those who have underlying health issues and the elderly.

Already some five people have died in this outbreak, all of them had some form of health issue which doctors say caused them to have severe symptoms. What will the government's response when the opposite happens and someone with a clear health history dies?

That is the worry that I have this evening...

Night, Night


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