18 February 2010

Having A Conscious...


There must be times in our lives where we are allowed to question the laws of the land - where laws and regulations which are on the statute books are wrong in some circumstances.

No doubt, everyone has been moved in one way or another by the story regarding Ray Gosling, the veteran journalist, who admitted on a regional news programme shown on Monday evening, that he had smothered his terminally ill lover some 20 years ago. The analagy being that the law of the heart should take higher precendence than that of the land of jurisdiction.

Surprise, surprise the knashing from the tabloids has been inevitable - with one particular rag dragging up the facts that Ray is indeed living under sheltered accomadation, and saying that he was made bankrupt some time ago.

And that's important because? What should be important is what is the story of interest now, not what the situation of the poor man previously.

What this also does now, is that it is going to open up once and for all the whole subject of euthanasia completely - which is no bad thing as the current situation where relatives can potentially be charged with accessory to murder if they assist in helping to end their family member life.

This has been going on for as long as I can remember, we all need clarification and guidance. Are we going to go down the route of other countries such as the Netherlands and Switzerland where such acts are legal, or are we going to keep it as it is and force people to go abroad to carry out their wishes.

- Posted Straight From The iPhone...

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