26 August 2009

A Treasured Life

The great Massachusetts statesman Teddy Kennedy succumbed to his brain tumour this morning at the age of 77.

Although in the shadow of his two more illustrious brothers, it can be argued long into the night that Teddy has had a greater influence on the America that is today, than either of his murdered brothers back in the time when they were in power.

It can be argued that many of the reforms that have been undertaken in previous administrations would have seen the light of day were it not for the support of Senator Kennedy - the way that he went across the floor to help Dubya get the 'Not One Left Behind' initiative running - even if he was admittedly screwed over eventually showed that his pragmatism was always at the forefront of his mind ahead of partisanship.

It will be argued forever for the events that one night in Chappadewink, that he would have become an eventual President.

He showed support and solidarity with the people of Northern Ireland as they struggled to peace and prosperity, that cannot be forgotten.

His greatest legacy, no doubt will be his way and will to get things done on his terms, no doubt that support of Kennedy towards Barack Obama elevated Obama to the Democratic ticket and eventual history.

The America we see today, has been in no small part shaped by Edward Kennedy. That is his legacy.

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