3 January 2009

White Working Class Feel 'Neglected' - Get A Fucking Job, Then!

Evening, all.

Following my in-depth piece concerning the rise and rise of the far-right across Europe, last weekend, there has been comments from the Communities Minister, Hazel Blears who has said that White working class people on some estates feel their concerns about immigration are ignored. 

She said that there was the need for a greater effort to challenge "myths" from the far right.

The comments came as a study of attitudes to immigration was published finding a widespread sense of resentment, unfairness and disenpowerment among white working-class communities in England.

Surely people should be encourage to help themselves by getting a fucking job.  I am sick to the back teeth of people blaming anyone but themselves for their predicament.  The amount of people who are sitting at home twiddling their thumbs expecting the state to pay for their lives is getting intolerable.

Get a fucking job, and stop blaming everyone else!

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