19 April 2010

What Made Them Change Their Minds?


Amongst the relief amongst passengers, airline companies and the authorities across Europe, one cannot help but note the lack of thought behind one particular viewpoint.

That being that this morning we were being told by our wonderfully responsible press that the chances were that the airspace across Europe was going to be closed for anything up to a further week in light of further sprewing of ash from that Volcano in Iceland.

So what's with the change of mind?

Admittedly, the wind direction has somewhat changed so the wind is forcing the ash cloud to head towards the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and Canada - causing flights to be cancelled - so there is that, that allows them to reconsider their originally hard-line stance.

However, I cannot help but think that the predicament of several major European airlines whom are still in a financial shithole following the credit crunch is clouding the thoughts of those high above us at EuroControl. See what I did there, fuck me I'm good!

And another thing. EuroControl? They have control of our skies as well?

UKIP will be livid...

- Posted Straight From The iPhone...

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