Just been down to my polling station here in Folkestone, a few people there casting there vote – the general perception being that regardless who you vote for the government always gets in. As if that has always been the case…
There is a viewpoint, not popular though that with Cabinet Ministers resigning en masse in recent days that Labour, or more particularly Chairman Brown, might get some form of a pity vote. The thinking behind it is that with Labour only expected to get say 15% of the national share of the vote, more Labour voters might feel inclined to go out and support their beleaguered leader. Saying that though, even if they were to get 18% of the national vote, by historical standards it would be a fucking disaster…
Perhaps if they were to get, say the aforementioned 18%, Downing Street could spin it, rightly or wrongly that it was a better result than was expected. Would they dare do that, though? That in itself would say everything…
I will not be posting that much today as I am due to be having a minor op to remove a cyst from my neck this afternoon, hence why I am off work for the rest of the week. That it coincides with the elections, is a happy coincidence. I will be able to stay up and listen to Auntie’s coverage of the results later tonight. Fantastic!
Probably will do some mobile blogging, once I am out of surgery.
Rob :)
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