25 June 2009

Some Reading For You…


I have been reading an awful lot of blogs in the past few days and the general consensus is that Obama and Brown are spot on in their approach to the Mad Ayatollah.  We cannot rise to the bait that they are encouraging us to do.  There is too much at stake…

These interesting reads that I mention below can give you a far better understanding about the situation in Tehran and other cities within the country.

First things first, may I point you to the excellent live blog that the HuffPost’s Nico Pitney has been doing since the first restless day of protests in the Iranian capital.  Nico’s blog has impressed so much that he was invited to the White House to answer a question to President Obama – and got the question to ask from those in Iran.

Secondly, the award-winning blogger Andrew Sullivan has been updated his blog with the latest tweets from those on the ground in Iran, as well as his own thoughts.

And that about it.  This is the problem with trying to read the latest out of besieged countries such as what Iran is right now.  There is so few reliable correspondents in the country right now, either because they have been kicked out, as in the case of the BBC’s Jon Leyne, or sadly they are being taken out by the cuntish paramilitaries that the Mad Ayatollah has recruited to do his dirty bidding.  Keep them in your thoughts…


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