23 January 2010

Lessons Learnt...


I see the newspapers have gone big on the South Yorkshire children attack by those two brothers, going down the same old fucking tack as Call Me Dave - no doubt putting their own fucking prejudices in front of their clued-up, or in the case of the Scum or Fail, clueless readers/retards (delete accordingly...)

Remember the perpetrators are children, they deserve and warrant the same treatment as would be given to murderers and Paedophiles. We as a society should be judged not just how we treat victims of crimes, but the guilty of such heinous crimes.

As I stated last night, the way that the murderers of James Bulger were dealt with, is a case in point and is seen by many in social services as the way to deal with such offenders.

Let them have their anonimity and allow them to try and rebuild their own lives, which up to now have been nothing short of disgusting. Perhaps it will start making the intelligensia wonder what makes those children from working class communities do such acts of barbarism.

20 years since that murder of James, and still the working classes are ignored...

- Posted Straight From The iPhone...

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