22 January 2010

Substantial To Severe...

It’s just broken on the news channels that Britain’s terror level has been raised from there being a strong possibility chance of a attack on the UK or its interests abroad to highly likely.  The Home Secretary has just made a pre-recorded statement for the channels – looking very dapper for a Friday evening...

Makes sense...there is an election due within a few weeks...

Perhaps they should introduce the same kind of threat levels for the British economy.  Right now we’d be at CRITICAL with an imminent threat of a George Osborne attack on the British economy.

Saying that though, Labour, by falsifying intelligence, have shown they cannot be trusted. They’ve earned this situation where any and all such pronouncements of EXTREME TERROR DEATH ALERT must be treated with pronounced scepticism or outright hostility.

Anything to stop Chairman Brown meeting his maker...

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