Morning, and many happy returns for this season.
It seems that the Iranian President has decided to do his own Christmas Message. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was reportedly invited by Channel 4 to give his own alternative Christmas Message, which I find rather odd, for all the obvious reasons!
He will be shown telling those who watch 'the general will of nations' is for a return to 'human values'.
Unless it is regarding Israel....Naturally.
Of course, some four hours beforehand, Queenie Lizzie would have given her pre-recorded message to her Commonwealth (see what I did there? - I know clever that!).
In the speech, leaked by her advisors - Her Majesty, states that this Christmas is going to a sombre time for many, those who have lost their jobs, who are struggling with their mortgages and loans. The inclination is that, she seems to pointing her finger at the 'Wanker Bankers' and retarded CEOs who did not seem to have seen the tsunami coming.
Talking about those who will be sombre this year, her comments come just hours after the body of a well-known financier was found in his New York office. A victim of the Bernard Madoff fraud scandal which has rocked the financial world - Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet was found at his desk with both wrists slashed.
Nice Christmas Present for the family, that.
At least there will be more Turkey for them...
Sadly, I do not think that will be the last similar case we will have before this Credit Crunch is done with...
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