21 May 2009

The Nadir Gets Ever Deeper…


After a lot of thinking, I think tonight’s title is about right – following the past 72 hours of what seems to be constant blood-letting on the behalf of the Commons and the Party Leaders of all the main political parties.  Question is though, just how much more of this do we have to take, until it all calms down. 

With news coming out tonight that Dr Ian Gibson, the Labour MP for Norwich North and someone who I would have thought would know better, having announced that he is prepared to stand down as a MP at the next election, it seems that pretty much anyone could be next for the Telegraph treatment.  I have just switched over to BBC1 to watch they are calling a ‘special edition’ of Question Time from Salisbury – it will probably be the programme’s biggest watched edition for some years such is the anger that there is tonight in the country.  Ed Balls was supposed to representing Labour tonight.  He isn’t.  Leaving it to Ben Bradshaw, that is what I call a public execution in all but name…revealing that William Hague has already mentioned the word ‘Fraud’ to describe some of the expense claims…mmm.

I do wonder what on earth is going to come out next…

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